In order to ensure that you receive maximum performance and longevity from your Solahart, it is recommended that they are serviced every 5 years because of these points:
1. There is a magnesium rod called a sacrificial anode threaded into the heart of the tank. This “anode” will counteract the normal corrosive process of water flow through your tank. This anode will need to be changed at a minimum every 5 years.
2. Solahart hot water systems can last in excess of 20 years if it serviced correctly.
3. The panel glass will need frequent cleaning as they collect dust and grime out of the air especially in the dryer conditions
4. Closed circuit systems for frost prone areas or above 400m of sea level, have glycol flowing through the panels and the jacket of the tank. These levels are also checked as it can get low over time. Without the glycol in panels, the system will not be able to heat efficiently.
5. Coming into winter it is always good to check the see if the electrical booster switch is working. After being off for some time over the warmer months the elements or thermostats may fail at the onset of winter.
6. The hot water expansion valve (HT55) as in all hot water systems will need to be replaced. This a safety valve to ensure the tank cannot reach dangerous operating pressures or leak causing large water bills.
7. The end cap/flange will be inspected for any leaks, this is the most common point of failure to a tank. If a leak does develop the end of the tank will rust causing premature failure to tank and damage to the roof.
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Electrical Contractor Licence
Licence Number: 88996
Expiry Date: 21 December 2025
Licence conditions or restrictions: NIL
Solahart pioneered the use of solar energy in Australia, beginning with a copper tank in 1953.
Now, we’re still leaders in solar and proudly serve Toowoomba & the Darling Downs with our solar products from the best brands in solar including Solahart, SolarEdge, Tesla, GoodWe and Enphase.
In addition to the strength and experience of Solahart, we’re a New Energy Tech Approved Seller.